News — 21.01.2019

JUS Pro­motes Phe­lan to Mar­ket Man­ag­er, Recre­ation­al Vehicles

Jaeger-Unitek Seal­ing Solu­tions announced that Colton Phe­lan has been pro­mot­ed to Mar­ket Man­ag­er, Recre­ation­al Vehicles.

Phe­lan will work close­ly with strate­gic RV cus­tomers and Jaeger-Unitek’s engi­neer­ing orga­ni­za­tion to iden­ti­fy and cre­ate inno­v­a­tive seal­ing sys­tems. Pre­vi­ous­ly, Phe­lan led all auto­mo­tive cus­tomer, appli­ca­tion and mar­ket activ­i­ties for Jaeger-Unitek uti­liz­ing both rub­ber and engi­neered ther­mo­plas­tic extru­sion and mold­ing tech­nolo­gies. This includ­ed the cre­ation of seal­ing sys­tems which not only pro­vid­ed out­stand­ing pro­tec­tion against water and tem­per­a­ture intru­sion into vehi­cle inte­ri­ors, but also, the reduc­tion of struc­ture-borne vibra­tions to deliv­er reduced inte­ri­or noise lev­els and fatigue on mat­ing com­po­nents from over the road travel.

“Serv­ing our RV cus­tomers is a great oppor­tu­ni­ty to help cre­ate prod­ucts which spec­i­fy the high­est per­form­ing poly­mers in the mar­ket using inno­v­a­tive, mul­ti-func­tion­al geome­tries”, added Phe­lan. “Our cus­tomers con­tin­ue to incor­po­rate the use of our Flip ‘N Seal® Slide-Out seals, which are a per­fect exam­ple of how our engi­neer­ing team uti­lizes proven auto­mo­tive poly­mers that pro­vide out­stand­ing seal­ing and dura­bil­i­ty per­for­mance. We are very excit­ed to help our cus­tomers with new solu­tions and will fea­ture our tech­nolo­gies at The RVX Expe­ri­ence in Salt Lake City in March”.

“Cre­at­ing high­ly engi­neered seal­ing solu­tions on world class auto­mo­tive vehi­cles has been a core com­pe­ten­cy for our team”, Pres­i­dent, Kevin Casey com­ment­ed. “With the rapid growth and use of our Patent­ed Flip ‘N Seal® Slide-Out Seal­ing Sys­tem in the RV mar­ket, com­bined with our RV customer’s desire to apply the lat­est state-of-the-art seal­ing tech­nolo­gies, Colton is a nat­ur­al to lead our team”.

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