Basalt Solu­tions

The JÄGER Group devel­ops ver­sa­tile solu­tions from basalt




Want­ed: Alter­na­tive for syn­thet­ic fibers for water construction 

Nets and bags filled with stones or sand pro­tect struc­tures in the open sea – such as off­shore wind tur­bines – from being washed out or weigh down sub­ma­rine cables and pipelines.

The con­struc­tion of off­shore wind farms is chal­leng­ing due to harsh envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions. In the mid­dle of the sea, wind tur­bine foun­da­tions and off­shore high-volt­age sta­tions are installed. Prod­ucts for scour pro­tec­tion and sub­ma­rine cable cov­ers in par­tic­u­lar must not only be durable, but must also under­go numer­ous lift­ing cycles from fill­ing with stones to pre­cise place­ment under water.

The cus­tomer from the hydraulic engi­neer­ing sec­tor was look­ing for an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly scour pro­tec­tion as an alter­na­tive to exist­ing sys­tems. Up to now there are sim­i­lar prod­ucts made of plas­tic, which are no longer an alter­na­tive for hydraulic engi­neer­ing in the long term due to the intro­duc­tion of microplas­tic into the oceans.

The cus­tomer turned to Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH, which has already made a name for itself in the indus­try with its inno­v­a­tive basalt bags as cable pro­tec­tion on off­shore wind tur­bines, with the request for a sus­tain­able solution.

Offshore-Anlage mit gelben Rohren auf dem Meer /jaeger-maresolutions/basalt-solutions/
Detailsicht auf das Gewebe von Basaltnetzen /jaeger-maresolutions/basalt-solutions/


Sus­tain­able and robust alter­na­tive sought

The cus­tomer had already test­ed all the plas­tic solu­tions avail­able on the mar­ket at that time, and all stud­ies with the plas­tic alter­na­tive had already been ini­ti­at­ed. Now Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH has to prove that a solu­tion made of the nat­ur­al mate­r­i­al basalt is as robust as the plas­tic alter­na­tive. Just like the plas­tic ver­sion that has been used up to now, the con­struc­tion is to have a sin­gle-point sus­pen­sion for easy han­dling.
While the experts of the Jäger Group are work­ing on the devel­op­ment of the new prod­uct, the cus­tomer has to learn which changes in work­ing meth­ods are nec­es­sary with the basalt prod­uct com­pared to the plas­tic net.

The customer‘s require­ments are high, the net made of basalt fiber must be able to with­stand being lift­ed, low­ered and stacked safe­ly 15 times. Ini­tial­ly, the first pro­to­type can­not sus­tain these lift­ing cycles, and dur­ing the stack­ing test with five nets on top of each oth­er, the high load of 32 tons of rock on the low­est net can­not be per­ma­nent­ly main­tained, so the Jäger devel­op­ers opti­mize the design and mate­r­i­al as well as the process. Fur­ther rein­force­ments with­in the prod­uct, a mod­i­fied sus­pen­sion and an opti­mized fill­ing process final­ly led to the desired result on both sides.


Jaeger Maritime Solu­tions GmbH weaves ten­der bonds!

Stones are the answer! The nets are not only filled with stones, but also con­sist of stone. Or bet­ter said of basalt, which is processed into fiber.

In Ger­many, nets made of basalt fiber with an asso­ci­at­ed pro­tec­tive lay­er are woven for sus­tain­able scour pro­tec­tion. The mate­r­i­al is test­ed with­in the Jäger Group and the basalt net is sub­ject­ed to reg­u­lar 100% inspec­tions on land. Dur­ing the test of the net, the fill­ing with eight tons, which can be done both on land and at sea, and the sub­se­quent han­dling have to be checked. For this pur­pose, the experts of Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH coor­di­nate close­ly with the client. After the test in Ger­many we went on to the on-site test. Togeth­er with the cus­tomer, exten­sive tests were car­ried out in Tai­wan. The nets are close­ly inspect­ed dur­ing fill­ing, stor­age, load­ing onto trans­port vehi­cles and ships, and unload­ing in water. After the filled nets have met the safe­ty require­ments over sev­er­al test days, the way is paved for envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly hydraulic engineering!

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Jäger devel­ops sus­tain­able hydraulic engi­neer­ing solutions

The result is an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly solu­tion made of basalt fiber that can be used in a vari­ety of ways. The basalt nets can be used per­ma­nent­ly or for short-term mea­sures to secure off­shore struc­tures or to pro­tect waters.

The big advan­tage: Due to the absence of plas­tic, Jäger prod­ucts will con­tin­ue to be suit­able for use in hydraulic engi­neer­ing in the future.


Details Basalt Solution 

Load capac­i­ty

8 tons

Mesh size

5 cm 

Stone size

63mm bis 300mm 

Diam­e­ter of the net

300cm +/- 10 % 

Tem­per­a­ture resistance

up to 800 degrees 

Jaeger Mar­itime Solu­tions GmbH not only pro­duces nets from the inno­v­a­tive basalt yarn, but also basalt bags. The basalt bags have already been in use in hydraulic engi­neer­ing since 2019. They can be filled with sand as well as with stones of up to four tons. Both basalt prod­ucts can be installed as scour pro­tec­tion around the piles of off­shore wind tur­bines. They are also used to fix and sta­bi­lize sub­ma­rine cables or as bank rein­force­ment for inland waters.

Fur­ther basalt prod­ucts are cur­rent­ly being tested.

Your Con­tact for Basalt Solutions:


F. Tek­bas

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