What Broeke­ma stands for 

Pre­mi­um quality 

Qual­i­ty is a key pri­or­i­ty for Broeke­ma. This is trans­lat­ed into mod­ern state-of-the-art machin­ery. By con­tin­u­ing to inno­vate and invest, Broeke­ma has pro­duc­tion equip­ment that fea­tures the most up-to-date tech­nol­o­gy. This means Broeke­ma is able to guar­an­tee the pre­mi­um qual­i­ty that its cus­tomers are used to. Broeke­ma made its name in Gronin­gen by mak­ing tech­no­log­i­cal appli­ca­tions from the best raw mate­ri­als — rub­ber, plas­tic, steel — from all over the world. The com­pa­ny has a large and loy­al net­work of suppliers. 

Longest lifes­pan

Broeke­ma is the only man­u­fac­tur­er of sieve belts that is able to sup­ply hard­ened riv­et rods. These riv­et rods are made of high-qual­i­ty spring steel, and have an opti­mum yield point and ten­sile strength. Broeke­ma riv­et rods, which are patent­ed, have a long life span and are stronger than any com­peti­tor. This means they give a bet­ter yield, because they allow har­vest­ing machines to move more quick­ly, for exam­ple, or because more soil goes onto the soil sep­a­ra­tion con­vey­ors. There are few­er frac­tures, so Broeke­ma belts ulti­mate­ly last longer. This is why machine builders involved with demand­ing appli­ca­tions, such as har­vest­ing beet, also use sieve belts made by Broekema. 

High­est yield 

Broeke­ma has no wish to be the cheap­est on the mar­ket, but it does want to be the best. What makes Broekema’s tech­nol­o­gy stand out is that the appli­ca­tions are designed to achieve the high­est-pos­si­ble crop yield. The com­bi­na­tion of the extra long life span with the great­est crop yield, known as the ‘field yield’, is ulti­mate­ly the best option, by some dis­tance. Take our sug­ar cane con­vey­or belts, for exam­ple. Exten­sive tests have shown that they not only help make har­vests more effi­cient, but that they can oper­ate for more than 4,000 hours as well. 


The test lab­o­ra­to­ry in Veen­dam is where advanced tech­no­log­i­cal cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed solu­tions are devel­oped. From the day it was found­ed, Broeke­ma has been antic­i­pat­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, future demand, and expec­ta­tions in part­ner­ship with machine man­u­fac­tur­ers. Close con­tacts with cus­tomers and an exten­sive deal­er net­work ensure that Broeke­ma under­stands what end-users want. That means Broeke­ma can con­tin­ue to inno­vate. The firm has many patents for suc­cess­ful appli­ca­tions to its name – more than 100 alone in the JÄGER Group par­ent com­pa­ny – which form the foun­da­tion of the company.


Broeke­ma main­tains good rela­tions with its cus­tomers, deal­ers, and pro­duc­ers. For more than 50 years, they have ben­e­fit­ed from the company’s hon­esty and reli­a­bil­i­ty. Its sol­id posi­tion was fur­ther enhanced when it joined forces with Germany’s JÄGER Group, becom­ing part of that orga­ni­za­tion in 1997. This helped boost Broekema’s com­pet­i­tive­ness and opened up fresh oppor­tu­ni­ties for new devel­op­ments in rela­tion to rub­ber, plas­tic, and met­al. As a result, Broeke­ma is much more than just a sup­pli­er of con­vey­or belts – it is a reli­able devel­op­ment part­ner with many ideas to con­tribute. It is also ISO 9001:2015 cer­ti­fied, and is able to guar­an­tee a high lev­el of qual­i­ty and con­trol thanks to its con­sis­tent appli­ca­tion of the Broeke­ma Man­age­ment Sys­tem. Qual­i­ty checks are car­ried out at key moments through­out the pro­duc­tion process. The cer­ti­fi­ca­tion process and annu­al audits mean that the high stan­dards that are such a fea­ture of Broeke­ma are doc­u­ment­ed and quantifiable. 

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