Our Appli­ca­tions

Var­i­ous machines and equip­ment run bet­ter and for longer thanks to Broeke­ma parts. One exam­ple is that of machines for pro­cess­ing crops – the clean­ing, sort­ing, and trans­port­ing. These appli­ca­tions are also used with space find­ers, for exam­ple, and cat­tle feed mixers. 

Indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions for machines and equip­ment, such as: 

Clean­ing and wash­ing har­vest­ed crops
Sort­ing, Con­vey­ing and Elevating
In-Store Grad­ing
Turf Extrac­tion
Beach Clean­ing
Cat­tle Feed Mixers 

Soil and waste sep­a­ra­tion conveyors 

The most impor­tant appli­ca­tions of our con­vey­or sys­tem are the soil and waste sep­a­ra­tion con­vey­ors, of the kind fit­ted to har­vest­ing machines for: 
Sug­ar beet and beet leaves
Beets, radish­es, turnips
Pearl onions and reg­u­lar onions
Car­rots, leek, celery
Gin­seng, cas­sa­va, corn
Toma­toes, pump­kins, melons
All types of nut 
All types of flower bulb
Tree fruits: apples, etc.
Cab­bages, scor­zon­era, chicory

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