Solv­ing problems

Over the years, we have gained a huge amount of expe­ri­ence – by inno­vat­ing, but also by learn­ing from prob­lems we have encoun­tered in our day-to-day work. Below is a list of com­mon­ly occur­ring prob­lems and pos­si­ble solu­tions. If your prob­lem is not shown, please con­tact our ser­vice cen­ter. We will be pleased to help. If no solu­tion is avail­able, then togeth­er we will look for one with the help of our R&D department. 

Rollers get stuck
It could be that dirt and water have got­ten into the bear­ings; look at our Eco Dri­ve bear­ing solutions

PVC belts shift to the left and to the right and break
This is often relat­ed to oper­at­ing prob­lems; look at our full ser­vice belting

Belts are rot­ting away
Water often enters the fab­ric; for this, we have devel­oped the Hydro belt

Extreme wear and tear on riv­et rods (espe­cial­ly on the edge)
Con­sid­er a qual­i­ty improve­ment by using com­plete­ly hard­ened riv­et rods

Break­ing over­lap­ping sec­tions
This is usu­al­ly the result of over­load­ing the belt joints The Helper belt could be the solu­tion to this

Prob­lems with dri­ve (sprock­et too large or too small)
Weld­ed sprock­ets are the best solution

Heavy ele­va­tor with riv­et rods
There are light­weight ele­va­tor solutions

Riv­et rod bro­ken dur­ing on-site assem­bly
Always dif­fi­cult when on site. The Pilot bolt is the answer

Torn belt
We have a few quick-fix solu­tions to help you get back to work quick­ly again, but it is advis­able to con­tact our ser­vice cen­ter about this

Gap between the riv­et rods is too large
Twin­spi­jlen can be used to reduce the gap, and this can be cus­tomized to meet your requirements

Joints too heav­i­ly loaded
We have var­i­ous durable lap joint solu­tions; please con­tact our ser­vice center

Bro­ken belt or dynam­i­cal­ly high load
The End­less wrap could be the solu­tion here

Belt with­out plat­ing
With Active Side Pro­tec­tion (ASP), you have no plat­ing, but the sides do move

Is your stan­dard rub­ber not good enough? 

We have a great deal of knowl­edge on rub­ber, con­tact us, so we can dis­cuss a spe­cial cus­tomized mix­ture for your application. 

If you have any oth­er ques­tions, please contact

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