Our Indus­tries

Broeke­ma sup­plies appli­ca­tions and com­po­nents to var­i­ous sec­tors, such as agri­cul­ture (includ­ing turf extrac­tion and live­stock farm­ing) and fish­ing. The food­stuffs, waste pro­cess­ing, and beach clean­ing indus­tries also use Broeke­ma technology. 

Crop Har­vest­ing

Broeke­ma has rev­o­lu­tion­ized crop har­vest­ing by replac­ing the chains on har­vesters with rub­ber belts. This reduces wear and tear, down­time and helps to keep up the field yield because of the flex­i­bil­i­ty of our solu­tions (reduc­ing the gap for small­er crops with the twin- or triplerod, using our helper­belt for break­ing belts, or being able to quick­ly fix loose rods with our patent­ed pilot bolts). 
ernte /broekema/industries/

Food pro­cess­ing

Peanuts have to be dug up from the dirt. This caus­es tra­di­tion­al chains to break. Our belts work even bet­ter with a lit­tle dirt between them (it gives the rub­ber more trac­tion), so there is no dam­age to the machine and the yield is much high­er. This is just one of the cus­tom solu­tions we devel­oped with a spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tion in mind. Curi­ous what we can do for you? Con­tact us!

Broeke­ma invent­ed a machine that gen­tly shakes the ripe oranges out of the tree, while leav­ing the unripe fruit and blos­soms untouched and keeps the small ani­mals and rep­tiles liv­ing in the orchards unharmed. Good for nature and keeps the field yield up.

Brick fac­to­ry

A brick fac­to­ry drains off clay residue to reuse. This process costs hun­dreds of thou­sands liters of water. By devel­op­ing the most robust and heavy con­vey­or belts in Broekema’s his­to­ry, this waste is in the past. 

Beach cleanup

Broekema’s beach clean­ers tidy hun­dreds of kilo­me­ters of beach from rub­bish that has been left by sun­bathers and has washed ashore. This is great for the envi­ron­ment and the tourists appre­ci­ate it as well. 

Waste man­age­ment

How can we fit more paper trash in a truck? With a Broeke­ma belt that shifts and press­es the load while col­lect­ing. This allows to trans­port up to 40% addi­tion­al waste, so less dri­ves and less CO2 emission. 


Since Broeke­ma replaced the dri­ve chains with a low-noise belt on munic­i­pal street sweep­ers in Italy there are no more noise com­plaints and the lifes­pan went up. 

Live­stock farming 

Our engi­neers came up with a belt to feed live­stock. The farm­ers used very loud chain dri­ven belts to pro­vide their cows with feed. The cows would get rest­less and because of that the milk pro­duc­tion decreased. After Broeke­ma installed our new, more qui­et belts, the cows were much calmer and the milk pro­duc­tion went up. 

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