Our qual­i­ty standard

Our claim is high­est qual­i­ty and this is also reflect­ed in all our process­es and pro­duc­tion steps.

Our tech­ni­cal knowl­edge as well as eco­nom­ic and social com­pe­tence form the basis for inde­pen­dent action. Our busi­ness process­es with cus­tomers and devel­op­ment part­ners are there­fore char­ac­ter­ized by per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty and con­tin­u­ous improvement.

Per­fect­ly opti­mized sup­pli­er man­age­ment helps our part­ners to opti­mize their inter­nal process­es and thus reduce costs along the entire sup­ply chain. Our strate­gic sup­pli­ers are reg­u­lar­ly qual­i­fied and audit­ed and are approved by many of our customers.


We are con­stant­ly devel­op­ing our­selves and our process­es in order to always get the best out of them for our cus­tomers and sup­pli­ers. To ensure this, Jaeger Pol­s­ka Spół­ka z o.o. is cer­ti­fied accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015!
Messung der Dicke von Gummiprodukten /jaeger-polska/quality/

Our Zero-Defect Philosophy 

Since the begin­ning, the suc­cess of the JÄGER Group has been based on pro­fes­sion­al tech­ni­cal advice, com­pre­hen­sive mate­ri­als knowl­edge, for­ward plan­ning qual­i­ty assur­ance and opti­mal prod­uct devel­op­ment. Our prod­uct port­fo­lio and our com­pe­tence have always grown with the spe­cif­ic require­ments of our customers.

In order to pro­vide you with qual­i­ty process­es and prod­ucts, we at Jaeger Pol­s­ka fol­low a zero-defect phi­los­o­phy. Thus, all our process­es in sales, prod­uct devel­op­ment as well as pro­duc­tion fol­low the “zero-defect” prin­ci­ple. The goal is to com­plete­ly avoid errors through appro­pri­ate reor­ga­ni­za­tion of process­es, qual­i­fi­ca­tion of per­son­nel and con­tin­u­ous improve­ment of infrastructure.

In order to be able to rec­og­nize and elim­i­nate all errors, all process­es must be con­stant­ly checked for their poten­tial for improve­ment. The rea­sons for the occur­rence of such errors can be improp­er­ly exe­cut­ed or run­ning process­es due to care­less­ness or the like. In order to elim­i­nate these errors, employ­ees should be trained to pay more atten­tion to the exe­cu­tion of their own work, so that these or sim­i­lar errors do not occur in the future.

The improve­ment of the qual­i­ty of work as well as that of the prod­ucts con­tributes sig­nif­i­cant­ly to the pre­ven­tion of all kinds of errors in the pro­duc­tion process.

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