Test­ing and Com­pound Development 

The spe­cial thing about Jaeger Pol­s­ka is that we devel­op our mate­ri­als our­selves on the basis of our many years of know-how. To this end, we main­tain our own lab­o­ra­to­ry and a mix­ing plant for elas­tomer mate­ri­als at our Hanover site, where for­mu­la­tions for spe­cial appli­ca­tions are devel­oped. In this way, we ensure the opti­mum mate­r­i­al prop­er­ties for your application!

These for­mu­la­tions form the basis for many of our prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured in the JÄGER Group. In addi­tion to our own exper­tise in com­pound devel­op­ment, we also source com­pounds exter­nal­ly. This allows us to always act flex­i­bly and inde­pen­dent­ly in the pro­cure­ment of compounds.


Qual­i­ty is our high­est premise 

For this pur­pose, we have our own inter­nal test­ing facil­i­ties to con­stant­ly check and keep the qual­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty of our prod­ucts and solu­tions high. 

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