Our Ser­vices

Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. not only man­u­fac­tures high-qual­i­ty dif­fusers, our team around prod­ucts also pro­vides a series of pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices to meet cus­tomer demands for dif­fer­ent projects, such as selec­tion and design of dif­fuser and pip­ing sys­tem, choice of the right mem­brane mate­r­i­al, instal­la­tion and instal­la­tion guid­ance of aer­a­tion sys­tem, debug­ging and train­ing of aer­a­tion sys­tem, main­te­nance and repair of aer­a­tion sys­tem and after-sales service. 

Selec­tion and Design of dif­fuser and pip­ing system 

Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. sup­ports you in design­ing dif­fuser and pip­ing sys­tems in cus­tomer-ori­ent­ed way. When design­ing the sys­tems, our team of experts takes your cus­tomers’ ideas regard­ing invest­ment and prof­itabil­i­ty into account and devel­ops opti­mal solu­tions in close coop­er­a­tion with you. 
We offer com­plete aer­a­tion sys­tems con­sist­ing of dif­fusers and pip­ing, fit­tings and sup­ports inside aer­a­tion tank. Pip­ing is avail­able in UPVC, ABS, SS304 and SS316. 

The choice of the right mem­brane material 


Sum­ma­ry of infor­ma­tion required for dif­fuser selec­tion and sys­tem design 

In order to facil­i­tate Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. to select prod­ucts and design aer­a­tion sys­tems accord­ing to cus­tomer require­ments, this form is spe­cial­ly pre­pared for cus­tomers to fill in. 

Instal­la­tion, oper­a­tion and main­te­nance manuel for diffusers 

JÄGER disc dif­fusers and tube dif­fusers have cor­re­spond­ing instal­la­tion, oper­a­tion and main­te­nance require­ments. Instal­la­tion instruc­tions are includ­ed with each batch of JÄGER’s dif­fuser ship­ment. Cus­tomers can also down­load the elec­tron­ic ver­sion of the instruc­tions if required. 

Instal­la­tion, oper­a­tion and main­te­nance man­u­al for pickler 

In the process of trans­porta­tion, instal­la­tion and oper­a­tion of the JÄGER pick­ler, the require­ments in the oper­a­tion man­u­al should be strict­ly observed. The oper­a­tion man­u­al is includ­ed with each batch of JÄGER pick­ler ship­ment. We also offer the elec­tron­ic ver­sion of the instruc­tions here as a download. 

Instal­la­tion and Instal­la­tion Guid­ance of Aer­a­tion System 

We pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al aer­a­tion sys­tem instal­la­tion or instal­la­tion guid­ance ser­vices. Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. has pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced instal­la­tion engi­neers, we will send pro­fes­sion­al engi­neers and con­struc­tion team to the project site for instal­la­tion or instal­la­tion guid­ance accord­ing to customer’s needs. The con­tent we pro­vide for instal­la­tion is gen­er­al­ly based on the agree­ment signed with the cus­tomer, which gen­er­al­ly includes the fol­low­ing contents: 
JRP Produktinstallation in Abwasserbehandlungsanlage mit vier Personen

Debug­ging and Train­ing of Aer­a­tion System

In order to ensure the nor­mal and sta­ble oper­a­tion of the aer­a­tion sys­tem, it is gen­er­al­ly nec­es­sary to debug the aer­a­tion sys­tem before it is for­mal­ly put into oper­a­tion. Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. will pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al debug­ging ser­vices accord­ing to the require­ments of cus­tomers. And dur­ing the debug­ging, we will send spe­cial per­son­nel to train the oper­a­tor des­ig­nat­ed by the cus­tomer, so that the customer’s tech­ni­cal per­son­nel can mas­ter the dai­ly use, main­te­nance, repair and so on of the rel­e­vant equip­ment. After debug­ging, the aer­a­tion sys­tem shall gen­er­al­ly meet the fol­low­ing standards: 

Main­te­nance and repair of aer­a­tion system 

Reg­u­lar main­te­nance of the dif­fusers can effec­tive­ly reduce the ener­gy con­sump­tion of the sys­tem, espe­cial­ly for the water qual­i­ty that is easy to pro­duce scale, you can reg­u­lar­ly use the pick­ler pro­vid­ed by Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. to clean the dif­fusers. Dur­ing the pick­ler clean­ing, the tank does not need to be emp­tied. It can be oper­at­ed direct­ly with water, which is con­ve­nient and fast. We can also pro­vide aer­a­tion sys­tem main­te­nance ser­vice accord­ing to cus­tomers’ require­ments. In case of dam­age in nor­mal oper­a­tion dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od, we will pro­vide free replace­ment or repair services. 

After-sales ser­vice

Jaeger Rub­ber & Plas­tics (Shen­zhen) Ltd. has a spe­cial after-sales ser­vice hot­line, if you encounter prob­lems in the process of accep­tance or use of the equip­ment, wel­come to call for con­sul­ta­tion, we will whole­heart­ed­ly solve the prob­lem for you quickly.

After-sales ser­vice hotline:

+86 755 2983 2412


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