Rotors for Pro­gres­sive Cav­i­ty Pumps

The rotat­ing rotor in a pro­gres­sive cav­i­ty pump is sur­round­ed by a sta­t­ic sta­tor, thus there are cav­i­ties between the two ele­ments. As soon as the rotor turns, the respec­tive media are con­veyed through these cham­bers in a heli­cal pat­tern from the suc­tion to the dis­charge side of the pump. Rotors are main­ly made of steel and have a spi­ral geom­e­try. In the man­u­fac­tur­ing process of rotors for pro­gres­sive cav­i­ty pumps, dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als are used in the JÄGER Group.


We sup­ply rotors made of hard­ened tool steel, which with­stand mechan­i­cal wear in the best pos­si­ble way. Stain­less steel alloys are used to pre­vent cor­ro­sion. For max­i­mum ser­vice life, rotors can be coat­ed with hard chrome, tung­sten car­bide or chrome car­bide. 

Artemis rotors are also used in pumps under ele­vat­ed tem­per­a­tures. To ensure effi­cient and trou­ble-free oper­a­tion of the con­vey­ing sys­tem, our experts adjust the rotor dimen­sions accord­ing to the expan­sion that occurs. We man­u­fac­ture Sin­gle, dou­ble and mul­ti­ple lobe rotors for all con­vey­ing tasks and work with you to cre­ate cal­cu­la­tions and designs based on the lat­est 3D soft­ware. 

The machin­ery of our own pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty allows rotors with over­all lengths of up to eight meters. Our rotors meet high qual­i­ty stan­dards and are strict­ly con­trolled before deliv­ery. 

With our in-house pro­duc­tion, we can offer you pre­cise­ly fit­ting pump sys­tems made of sta­tors and rotors from a sin­gle source.

Artemis rotors — your advan­tages at a glance: 


Con­tact us now!

ARTEMIS Kautschuk- und
Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH

Tel. +49 511 — 959280

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