
Artemis tour­na­ment bil­liard cush­ions made of rubber 

In the bil­liard sport there are up to 35 dif­fer­ent types of games, which take place on tables of dif­fer­ent sizes. In pool bil­liards, the game is usu­al­ly played on bil­liard tables mea­sur­ing 2.54 meters by 1.27 meters. The increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar game of snook­er in this coun­try is played on larg­er tables. In addi­tion to the selec­tion of bil­liard balls and cloth, the qual­i­ty of the rub­ber cush­ions is cru­cial for the game. 

Artemis bil­liard cush­ions are in demand from nation­al bil­liard asso­ci­a­tions as well as from renowned table man­u­fac­tur­ers. Our pro­files can eas­i­ly be glued to the bil­liard table and guar­an­tee pre­ci­sion in the course of the game at tour­na­ments and thus objec­tive­ly com­pa­ra­ble game results. 


Our bil­liard cush­ions are – in con­trast to many cheap­er prod­ucts – pro­vid­ed with two cot­ton fab­ric pads dur­ing pro­duc­tion and heat­ed in molds. This guar­an­tees a syn­chro­nous run over the entire pro­duc­tion length. 


The mate­ri­als used, BIBA RED, TBB GREY and KHF GREY, con­sist main­ly of high-qual­i­ty nat­ur­al rub­ber. Addi­tives accord­ing to our for­mu­la give the rub­ber mix­ture its spe­cial suit­abil­i­ty for the game of bil­liards and excel­lent resis­tance to ageing.

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Sales Bil­liard Cushions

T. Kowalkows­ki

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