Turn your career around!

Whether rotors and sta­tors in pro­gres­sive cav­i­ty pumps or con­vey­or belts — we at Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik make a dif­fer­ence. We devel­op and man­u­fac­ture prod­ucts made of rub­ber, plas­tic or met­al com­pounds. From the ini­tial idea to the fin­ished prod­uct, every­thing comes from a sin­gle source. 

In order to be able to ful­fill this and at the same time meet our qual­i­ty stan­dards, we need a wide range of skills in our com­pa­ny. We have cre­ative employ­ees, who bring inno­va­tion and devel­op­ment skills, con­sul­tants with strong com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills and a high lev­el of cus­tomer ori­en­ta­tion, as well as man­u­fac­tur­ing experts with man­u­al skills in pro­duc­tion. The inter­cul­tur­al mix is what makes Artemis so diverse. Our “Fit for Train­ing” pro­gram also makes a spe­cial con­tri­bu­tion in this regard, giv­ing young refugees the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get to know pro­fes­sions in advance before they decide on an appren­tice­ship.

Artemis is part of the JÄGER Group with more than 1,000 employ­ees world­wide at over 22 loca­tions in Ger­many, Poland, the Nether­lands, the USA and Chi­na — we work inter­na­tion­al­ly.

You bring a spe­cial accent to our diver­si­ty and want to become part of the Artemis fam­i­ly? Apply here now!

Ques­tions about the appli­ca­tion? We will be hap­py to help you!


Artemis Kautschuk- und Kun­st­stoff-Tech­nik GmbH

Roth­wiese 4, 30559 Han­nover (Ger­many)

Tel. +49 511 – 95928 0


Artemis Met­all GmbH & Co. KG

An der Bahn 161, 37520 Osterode (Ger­many)

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