
Fas­ten­ing com­po­nents for belts 

The JÄGER Group sup­plies opti­mal­ly coor­di­nat­ed fas­ten­ing com­po­nents depend­ing on the instal­la­tion sit­u­a­tion and con­di­tions of use. When con­nect­ing belts and rods, we dis­tin­guish between detach­able and non-detach­able con­nec­tions. Detach­able con­nec­tions for quick instal­la­tion on site are just as pos­si­ble as riv­et­ed and end­less­ly vul­can­ized connections. 

High-qual­i­ty prod­ucts for demand­ing applications 

With our stepped or shaft­ed and then vul­can­ised end­less joints, we achieve release strengths far above the spec­i­fi­ca­tions and thus enable high load change stress. Artemis sets stan­dards in the devel­op­ment of end­less wound belts in any length as if “from a sin­gle mould”. 

Our inno­v­a­tive tech­nol­o­gy opens up fur­ther diverse appli­ca­tions for rub­ber fab­ric belts in a wide range of appli­ca­tions. These long-life belts replace heavy, noisy and wear-prone steel chains in machines for agri­cul­ture, waste man­age­ment, soil reme­di­a­tion and beach clean­ing. They make it easy to increase con­vey­ing speeds. The exist­ing nom­i­nal strength of the belts can be ful­ly utilised. In addi­tion, com­pared to con­ven­tion­al splic­ing tech­nol­o­gy, a lighter fab­ric con­struc­tion with low­er strength can be made pos­si­ble when used with small­er deflec­tion diam­e­ters. A high pitch accu­ra­cy is achieved by a defined fab­ric pre-stretch. Even with fric­tion dri­ve with hydraulic pre-stretch­ing, a long ser­vice life can be achieved with this sys­tem. 

With­in the JÄGER Group, it is pos­si­ble to con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op the dif­fer­ent types of con­nec­tions through lab­o­ra­to­ry and test bench tests under sim­u­la­tion of real oper­at­ing conditions.

Fas­ten­ing com­po­nents: Riv­ets and plates 

We have devel­oped var­i­ous fas­ten­ers for the per­fect fas­ten­ing of the riv­et rods on the belts. State-of-the-art riv­et­ing machines with auto­mat­ic feed and laser-con­trolled rod posi­tion­ing enable the high­est qual­i­ty. We imple­ment the fol­low­ing concepts: 

Belt con­nec­tor

Our belt con­nec­tions are avail­able in the fol­low­ing designs (spec­i­fied accord­ing to increas­ing tear resistance):

  1. as lock con­nec­tion with con­nect­ing rod
  2. as over­lap
  3. as an end­less vul­can­ized connection

For the lock con­nec­tion we have devel­oped the Dou­ble Piv­ot Unit, a con­nect­ing piece that is mount­ed between two female hinge parts and con­nect­ed with two con­nect­ing rods. This results in a dou­ble hinge point com­pared to the con­ven­tion­al con­struc­tion method. This allows the rod belt to run more smooth­ly over the dri­ve and fric­tion rollers. The dou­ble piv­ot unit can also be used to repair a bro­ken lock con­nec­tion or to adjust the rod hinge to the cor­rect length.

Cen­tre belt connector 

For wide har­vest­ing and sieve belts we use one or more cen­tral belts. The riv­et rods can be attached to the mid­dle belts in var­i­ous ways, a dis­tinc­tion is made between direct riv­et­ing and the use of a clamp­ing brack­et. We sup­ply the fol­low­ing sys­tems for join­ing at high work­ing widths: 

1. with direct riv­et­ing:
These cen­ter deflec­tions are designed with con­vex­i­ty “upwards” as stan­dard. Con­vex­i­ty “down­wards” is option­al­ly avail­able. 

Not upset, just flat­tened and pro­vid­ed with a hole. 

Not upset, just flat­tened and pro­vid­ed with two holes

Heav­i­ly com­pressed cen­ter deflec­tion with broad forg­ing 

Heav­i­ly upset cen­ter deflec­tion with thick forg­ing 

Two bar deflec­tions riv­et­ed offset

2 With the use of a clamp­ing brack­et:
These cen­ter deflec­tions are designed with con­vex­i­ty “upwards” as stan­dard. Con­vex­i­ty “down­wards” is option­al­ly avail­able. 

Met­al brack­ets mount­ed around the rod 

medi­um clamp
Met­al brack­ets mount­ed around the rod; two ver­sions are avail­able: The first one for con­tin­u­ous bars and the sec­ond one for two half bars, which addi­tion­al­ly pre­vent lat­er­al slip­ping. 

Met­al brack­ets mount­ed around the rod (cor­re­sponds to half a WB-clip) 

KS Clamp­ing brack­et
Cast iron Clamp­ing brack­et 

Weld­ed clamp­ing brack­et
Met­al clamp­ing brack­et weld­ed togeth­er at the top. 

2‑lips clamp­ing yoke
Met­al clamp­ing brack­et 

3‑lips Clamp­ing brack­et
Met­al clamp­ing brack­et for V‑shaped hedge­hog pro­files 

4‑lips Clamp­ing brack­et
Met­al clamp­ing bracket

Con­tact our experts:


D. Kosuch



A. Tim­mer­berg

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