Sprock­ets and Dri­ve Wheels 

Dri­ve ele­ments are used in agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery as pos­i­tive dri­ve sys­tems. Dri­ving wheels or sprock­ets trans­mit the pow­er of the motor to the screen­ing belt. The JÄGER Group offers var­i­ous dri­ve wheels, which are avail­able in diam­e­ters from 120 to 800 mm. 
The fol­low­ing four dri­ve options can be distinguished: 
Dri­ving method 
Via the rods 
Via under belt cams 
Via rods and cams 
Fric­tion drive 
Belt­ing profile 
Low pro­files, dou­ble profiles 
High pro­files, dou­ble profiles 
High pro­files, dou­ble profiles 
All profiles 
Type of dri­ve wheel 



FRD – HS – KW 


Cast iron forms the heart of all dri­ve wheels. Most dri­ve wheels are sep­a­ra­ble to facil­i­tate assem­bly and replace­ment. The wheel halves form match­ing pairs and must not be mixed. Our dri­ve wheels are sup­plied drilled and keyed accord­ing to your spec­i­fi­ca­tions and, depend­ing on require­ments, the type and size of the key­ways are cut accord­ing to Ger­man DIN (met­ric) or cus­toms stan­dards. The fric­tion dri­ve types FR, FRD and KW can be used with any belt type and pitch. 
HS Dri­ve wheels 
The dri­ve teeth grip direct­ly between the down­ward curved rod. The dri­ve belt is sup­port­ed by the lat­er­al cage fin­gers to pre­vent wear in the tooth root and to ensure a con­stant pitch cir­cle diam­e­ter through­out its life. The basic length of the flights or the rod cov­er require free paths for the sprocket. 
3TB Dri­ve wheels 
The dri­ve tooth­ing works direct­ly against the upward curved, i.e. con­vex, rod. They are often used in con­vey­or sys­tems with one or more cen­tral belts to which the rods are attached with clamps or clamps. The rods with mid­dle clamps are usu­al­ly posi­tioned high­er and there­fore require a larg­er pitch cir­cle diam­e­ter. 3 TB dri­ve wheels are found on HS, RT, NC and Z dri­ve types. 
RT Dri­ve wheels 
The actu­a­tor of the RT type is sim­i­lar to the type HS, but has a sol­id side ring sup­port flange. RT units offer a per­fect pitch cir­cle diam­e­ter for the heav­i­est loads. With this sprock­et type, it is pos­si­ble to mount a scraper to pre­vent the accu­mu­la­tion of dirt. 
Z‑Typ Dri­ve wheels 
With the Z‑type, the riv­et rods are locat­ed in the low­er area of the tooth form. The wheels are used for light applications. 
NC Dri­ve wheels 
The NC dri­ve wheel is a com­bi­na­tion of a HS and N dri­ve wheel and was devel­oped for high belt pro­files. For opti­mum pow­er trans­mis­sion, this dri­ve wheel is dri­ven via rods and cams. 
N Dri­ve wheels 
The N dri­ve wheel is designed for cam pro­file belts. The dri­ve fin­gers engage in the cams of the belt and dri­ve it. Since there is no con­tact with the rods, there is no wear of the rods, which makes this type of sprock­et run very smooth­ly. The N‑type is the pre­ferred dri­ve sys­tem for Silen­tium Dri­ve applications. 

Con­tact our experts:


D. Kosuch

Trans­port­ban­den­fab­riek EA Broeke­ma BV

– Nether­lands –

Broeke­ma Belt­way USA Inc.

– USA –

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