Tips and tricks for your application 

Take your time for your appli­ca­tion and con­vince us of you! You have already com­plet­ed an intern­ship, attend­ed school abroad or have a part-time job? Are you involved in vol­un­tary work? We are also inter­est­ed in this, so please attach the rel­e­vant cer­tifi­cates or ref­er­ences to your application. 
Your appli­ca­tion is the first impres­sion we get of you. It should there­fore be attrac­tive­ly designed and indi­vid­u­al­ly tai­lored to the com­pa­ny. You need: A cov­er let­ter, your CV and attach­ments (ref­er­ences or cer­tifi­cates). You can apply via our online tool. As soon as you have sent your doc­u­ments, you will receive an auto­mat­ic con­fir­ma­tion of receipt from us and we will con­tact you with­in the next three weeks. 

With the cov­er let­ter you intro­duce your­self to us. We want to get to know you, your moti­va­tion and per­son­al­i­ty. The cov­er let­ter should con­tain your sender’s address and our recipient’s address. For your request you need a sub­ject line, for exam­ple “Appli­ca­tion for an appren­tice­ship as …”. This is fol­lowed by the form of address, in which you should write direct­ly to the con­tact per­son from the respec­tive job advertisement.

  1. How did you hear about us?
    Write us briefly how or where you found our job offers.
  2. Why do you want to learn exact­ly this pro­fes­sion?
    The first part is there to describe your already col­lect­ed expe­ri­ences dur­ing your school time, an intern­ship or stud­ies. Tell us what you like about the job.
  3. Why are you suit­ed for this job?
    Describe your char­ac­ter traits. You should ask your­self the fol­low­ing ques­tions: Why are you suit­ed for this train­ing? What are your per­son­al strengths? How can these strengths help you in your job?
  4. Why do you want to do the appren­tice­ship with us?
    Here we would like to know why you decid­ed to join us. What makes us dif­fer­ent from oth­er pos­si­ble com­pa­nies? For this it is worth tak­ing a look at our website.
The resume should con­tain your per­son­al data. Impor­tant are your name, date of birth, address and con­tact details such as e‑mail address and tele­phone num­ber. You can insert a pho­to of your­self in the top right-hand cor­ner of your CV or upload it to our appli­ca­tion por­tal on our web­site. After­wards you describe your edu­ca­tion­al back­ground. Here you have the choice between two approach­es – a clas­sic and a mod­ern one. In the clas­sic ver­sion, you start with pri­ma­ry school and fin­ish with the last or your prospec­tive degree. In the “mod­ern” ver­sion, this hap­pens the oth­er way round. You name your last degree first and end with your school enrol­ment. To indi­cate the dates, you only need to men­tion the month and year (Jan­u­ary 2019 = 01/2019). In the next part, you describe your prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence to date, for exam­ple in the form of intern­ships or tem­po­rary jobs. Describe these in the same way as your school edu­ca­tion, i.e. chrono­log­i­cal­ly ascend­ing or descend­ing. You can also list your hob­bies, vol­un­tary activ­i­ties and oth­er skills. At the end you have to sign, place and date. To send your appli­ca­tion dig­i­tal­ly, you can scan your sig­na­ture or write your name under it on the computer.
A fun­da­men­tal part of your appli­ca­tion is your cer­tifi­cates. These include the last two school reports. Your school-leav­ing cer­tifi­cate should be includ­ed or, if you have not yet fin­ished school, your last year’s report. If you have already com­plet­ed tem­po­rary jobs or intern­ships, it is also advis­able to include work references. 
If you would like to attach an appli­ca­tion pho­to to make a per­son­al impres­sion, it should be tak­en by a pho­tog­ra­ph­er and should not be a hol­i­day pho­to or sim­i­lar. The pho­tog­ra­ph­er can also give you tips about your out­fit. A shirt or blouse is rec­om­mend­ed for com­mer­cial jobs. As a woman you should not wear a wide neck­line and you should not be too heav­i­ly made up. As a man you should shave or trim your beard and make sure your hair­style is neat. Also make sure that your appli­ca­tion pic­ture is up-to-date, i.e. not old­er than one year. Since the Gen­er­al Equal Treat­ment Act came into force, it is not oblig­a­tory to attach an appli­ca­tion pho­to. You must not be dis­ad­van­taged by a miss­ing appli­ca­tion photo. 
In the end, we must also receive your now ide­al appli­ca­tion. You can sub­mit this via our online tool. You will find the cor­re­spond­ing but­ton under the respec­tive train­ing occu­pa­tion in the cat­e­go­ry vacan­cies. Please upload your doc­u­ments as a PDF file. You can find more detailed infor­ma­tion about the appli­ca­tion process under appli­ca­tion process. It is impor­tant to include your e‑mail address and tele­phone num­ber so that we can con­tact you. As soon as you have sent your doc­u­ments, you will receive an auto­mat­ic con­fir­ma­tion of receipt from us. We will con­tact you with­in the next three weeks.

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