News — 26.04.2018

JUS Expands Use of Flip ‘N Seal®

Jaeger-Unitek con­tin­ues to expand the use of its inno­v­a­tive Flip ‘N Seal® design in serv­ing Recre­ation­al Vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ers in seal­ing “slide-out” appli­ca­tions. The Flip ‘N Seal® design is unique in aid­ing RV cus­tomers in seal­ing vehi­cles from the demand­ing weath­er elements.

The Flip ‘N Seal® prod­uct line was designed by our Engi­neer­ing and Sales team, who com­bined, have over 100 years of seal­ing design expe­ri­ence in the Trans­porta­tion indus­try. Using our exper­tise in the field, we cre­at­ed a design which adds fea­tures includ­ing ease of instal­la­tion, bet­ter seal­ing, and use of high­ly engi­neered mate­ri­als. We build a true part­ner­ship with our cus­tomers as their pre­mier seal­ing solu­tion provider. Our cus­tomers appre­ci­ate the ser­vice and qual­i­ty prod­ucts we are able deliv­er to them”, com­ment­ed Joe Jacob, Key Account Manager.

With the grow­ing demand and need for increased out­put, we set out on a mis­sion to improve the old indus­try stan­dard. With Flip ‘N Seal®, we have cre­at­ed the new stan­dard with supe­ri­or fit and func­tion in slide-out seal­ing appli­ca­tions while improv­ing ease of instal­la­tion, stor­age space and most impor­tant­ly pre­vent­ing leak issues in one of the most crit­i­cal areas of the RV unit. Our engi­neer­ing team is always respon­sive and we are very proud to have met this chal­lenge. Because of this, our cus­tomers’ con­tin­ue to increase the usage of Jaeger UniTek’s nov­el solu­tion”, added Marc Mal­oney, Direc­tor of Sales and Marketing.


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