News — 11.10.2022

Invest­ment in new mea­sur­ing equipment 

Pre­cise mea­sure­ment tech­nol­o­gy improves own test­ing capa­bil­i­ties for process assurance

Cus­tomer ben­e­fits at a glance:

Hanover/Gryfino, August 2022 — The flex­i­ble inter­ac­tion of man­u­fac­tur­ing sit­u­a­tion and process safe­guard­ing is the basis of any future-ori­ent­ed pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment. To meet grow­ing cus­tomer demands and stan­dards, Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff GmbH has there­fore expand­ed its invest­ments in test­ing equip­ment, fur­ther improv­ing its own test­ing capa­bil­i­ties for process assurance.

At the Jaeger Pol­s­ka Spół­ka z o.o. man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ty in Gryfi­no, which is part of Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff GmbH, a ten­sile test­ing machine, a tac­tile and opti­cal 3D mea­sur­ing machine, and a rheome­ter for article/raw mate­r­i­al test­ing were pur­chased in addi­tion to the mea­sur­ing devices already in use. The aim of using the new mea­sur­ing equip­ment is to safe­guard the pro­duc­tion process­es and thus to avoid rejects and complaints.

Hen­ning Kracht, Head of Qual­i­ty Assur­ance at Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff GmbH, explains the great added val­ue of the new mea­sur­ing equip­ment for cus­tomers: “Pre­cise man­u­fac­tur­ing requires pre­cise mea­sur­ing tech­nol­o­gy — and increas­ing­ly pre­cise mea­sur­ing meth­ods in turn enable pre­cise man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es. The new mea­sur­ing instru­ments pro­vide us and our cus­tomers with even bet­ter eval­u­a­tion options. The new mea­sur­ing devices have also enabled us to fur­ther increase the lev­el of mate­r­i­al qual­i­ty and repro­ducibil­i­ty while ensur­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly more effi­cient operation.”

The mea­sur­ing instru­ments are equipped with pro­pri­etary soft­ware. The plan is to con­nect them to the JÄGER Group’s uni­form CAQ (Com­put­er Aid­ed Qual­i­ty) sys­tem, as is already the case with var­i­ous oth­er mea­sur­ing devices for cen­tral data eval­u­a­tion and archiv­ing. The CAQ sys­tem offers the pos­si­bil­i­ty to mon­i­tor and check the pro­duc­tion process and to ana­lyze qual­i­ty-rel­e­vant data.

“The aim of the con­nec­tion is to achieve the great­est pos­si­ble uni­fi­ca­tion and stan­dard­iza­tion of the mea­sur­ing equip­ment at the var­i­ous JÄGER Group sites in order to pro­mote com­pe­ten­cies and mutu­al sup­port,” says Hen­ning Kracht.

Our mea­sur­ing devices with intend­ed use

Tactile/optical 3D mea­sur­ing machine — Hexa­gon Optiv Clas­sic 443 — mea­sur­ing range X=400mm, Y=400mm, Z=300mm

This mea­sur­ing machine is used for mea­sur­ing geome­tries accord­ing to agreed draw­ings dur­ing ini­tial sam­pling and for spot checks dur­ing series production. 

Uni­ver­sal test­ing machine — Zwick Roell Z030 THW All­round­line, nom­i­nal force 30kN

Uni­ver­sal test­ing machine — Zwick Roell Z030 THW All­round­line, nom­i­nal force 30kN

Rheome­ter — TA Instru­ments MDR one Mov­ing — test­ing raw rubber

The rheome­ter is a rotor­less vul­came­ter for rou­tine or stan­dard mea­sure­ments to deter­mine the cross-link­ing behav­ior of rub­ber and elas­tomers. It is used in raw mate­r­i­al incom­ing inspec­tion as a counter mea­sure­ment to the agreed spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Fur­ther­more, it is used in tests for our own mate­r­i­al devel­op­ment in order to be able to offer our cus­tomers a mate­r­i­al accord­ing to the desired appli­ca­tion conditions.

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