News – 04.03.2019

Jäger enters new waters

“Jaeger Mare Solu­tions“ is the name of the youngest mem­ber of the Jäger Group. The new com­pa­ny focus­es on prod­ucts and ser­vices for envi­ron­men­tal and marine pro­tec­tion. We spoke with man­ag­ing direc­tor David Baum about the start, activ­i­ties and the future plans.

Mr. Baum, since 01.01.2019 you have been man­ag­ing direc­tor of the new­ly found­ed Jaeger Mare Solu­tions GmbH. For Jäger, this step means going from land to sea, from onshore wind ener­gy projects to the con­struc­tion of even larg­er off­shore plants in the sea.

David Baum:
That’s right. Jäger Gum­mi und Kun­st­stoff has been a rec­og­nized sup­pli­er for wind ener­gy for many years. Wind ener­gy has been one of Jäger’s busi­ness seg­ments for many years. Up to now, the focus has been on prod­ucts for the con­struc­tion of onshore plants, i.e. plants that are installed on land. Now off­shore wind ener­gy has also moved into focus: Jäger has set up its own com­pa­ny specif­i­cal­ly for this pur­pose and is active in the con­struc­tion of wind tur­bines on the high seas with “Jaeger Mare Solu­tions”. With Jaeger Mare Solu­tions, we are con­cen­trat­ing on our core busi­ness and are work­ing on pen­e­trat­ing the off­shore mar­ket in the areas of scour, noise and cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion.

What exact­ly are the products?

David Baum:
Put sim­ply, there are three areas: Pro­tec­tors for pro­tec­tion against cor­ro­sion, per­fo­rat­ed hoses for pro­tec­tion against noise, and basalt bags for pro­tec­tion against scour, i.e. for coastal and bank pro­tec­tion as well as for pro­tect­ing the foun­da­tions of off­shore plants. The pro­tec­tors are attached to the high­ly stressed parts of the wind tur­bine, where the ships dri­ve against each oth­er in order to allow the tech­ni­cians to pass over to the tur­bine. The basalt bags pre­vent the foun­da­tion from being washed around by the ocean cur­rent. Using the per­fo­rat­ed hose, a cur­tain of air bub­bles (a so-called bub­ble cur­tain) is cre­at­ed under water, which reduces the spread of sound waves.


The Jaeger Basalt Bags serve as an alter­na­tive to todays com­mon plas­tic Big Bags. 

You were just talk­ing about basalt bags used in the sea. What‘s so spe­cial about it?

David Baum:
We all know the prob­lem of plas­tic in the sea. It’s nec­es­sary to elim­i­nate the entry of plas­tic into our seas. The Jaeger Basalt Bags serve as an alter­na­tive to today‘s com­mon Big Bags made of plas­tic. Basalt is a rock of vol­canic ori­gin. It’s melt­ed at 1400 degrees and a thin thread is made from it. Dif­fer­ent fab­rics or ropes can be made from these threads. From this, bags which are filled with stones and serve as scour pro­tec­tion are sewn. In the last tests we achieved a weight of 3.5 tons per bag. We are cur­rent­ly work­ing on a project for which we want to fill a bag with 10 tons of stone.

Their prod­ucts con­tribute to the pro­tec­tion of marine fau­na and ecol­o­gy. What do you offer your customers?

David Baum:
Jaeger Mare Solu­tions pro­vides resource­sav­ing and envi­ron­men­tal­ly com­pat­i­ble solu­tions for the mar­itime sec­tor. Offers aimed at off­shore wind ener­gy, the mar­itime indus­try and envi­ron­men­tal and marine tech­nol­o­gy. How­ev­er, we don’t only offer the pure prod­uct as a one-off busi­ness, but togeth­er with part­ners we also offer the com­plete ser­vice around the prod­uct. For exam­ple, the pro­tec­tor must be attached to the sys­tem, the bub­ble cur­tain must be laid out and the basalt bag must be filled.


Key­word envi­ron­men­tal tech­nol­o­gy: There are cer­tain­ly con­nec­tions to Jäger Umwelt-Technik?

David Baum:
Of course, we are grate­ful to be able to draw on the know-how of the entire Jäger Group, the engi­neer­ing ser­vices of a com­plete prod­uct and process devel­op­ment depart­ment, our inter­nal lab­o­ra­to­ry and var­i­ous pro­duc­tion facil­i­ties. At Jäger Umwelt-Tech­nik we have the knowl­edge of over forty years of expe­ri­ence in ven­ti­la­tion tech­nol­o­gy. We will cer­tain­ly co-oper­ate with our col­leagues espe­cial­ly in the devel­op­ment and test­ing of new prod­ucts. This already hap­pens with noise insu­la­tion products.

Where does Jaeger Mare Solu­tions cur­rent­ly see the great­est poten­tial in the off­shore market?

David Baum:
Inter­na­tion­al: There are some big com­pa­nies world­wide that are inter­est­ing for us, but many are locat­ed in Europe. One week I’ll be in the Nether­lands, the next week I’ll be in Bel­gium and after­wards I’ll go to a meet­ing in Den­mark. In between, there are still a few dates in Ger­many. In addi­tion, Tai­wan and the USA are boom­ing regions in which large wind farms are being built. It doesn’t only have to be wind farms, but also projects in coastal and port pro­tec­tion. The appli­ca­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties for our prod­uct ranges are far from exhaust­ed at the moment.

Prof­it max­i­miza­tion goals alone will not make us suc­cess­ful — secure jobs, clean drink­ing water and healthy marine mam­mals, on the oth­er hand, are in my view desir­able goals of a company. 


In addi­tion to achiev­ing its eco­nom­ic goals, Jaeger Mare Solu­tions is par­tic­u­lar­ly con­cerned about envi­ron­men­tal and marine pro­tec­tion. What are you specif­i­cal­ly doing for it?

David Baum:
I am con­vinced that our prod­ucts will make a pos­i­tive con­tri­bu­tion to envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. Our resources are lim­it­ed and we need to con­sid­er how we can make sense of them. It’s there­fore our duty to ques­tion our­selves and our actions – so that future gen­er­a­tions can also live safe­ly. Prof­it max­i­miza­tion goals alone won’t make us suc­cess­ful – safe jobs, clean drink­ing water and healthy marine mam­mals, on the oth­er hand, are, in my view, desir­able goals of a com­pa­ny. Specif­i­cal­ly, we donat­ed to two World Wildlife Fund projects: the WWF Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion Pro­gram and the WWF Marine Pro­tec­tion Pro­gram. An issue that is very close to the heart of the Jäger Group in gen­er­al and the Jäger fam­i­ly in particular.

Inter­est­ed in more excit­ing off­shore sto­ries? Jaeger Mare Solu­tions already has an Insta­gram account: We would be pleased if you accom­pa­ny us on our jour­ney and fol­low us:

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