News — 14.01.2020

JUS Pro­motes Joe Jacob to Mar­ket Man­ag­er, RV

Jaeger-Unitek Seal­ing Solu­tions, rec­og­nized as a lead­ing ther­mo­plas­tic and rub­ber pro­file extru­sion pro­duc­er, is strength­en­ing their sales in the Recre­ation­al Vehi­cle mar­ket with the pro­mo­tion of indus­try pro­fes­sion­al, Joe Jacob to Mar­ket Man­ag­er, RV.

Joe will dri­ve all activ­i­ties in devel­op­ing new seal­ing solu­tions to serve Jaeger-Unitek’s RV customers.

Joe will lead our RV strate­gic growth ini­tia­tives by expand­ing our prod­uct port­fo­lio. Joe brings over 15 years of expe­ri­ence in lead­ing teams in serv­ing cus­tomers, most recent­ly as Jaeger’s Busi­ness Ana­lyst from ini­tial pro­to­type tri­als to launch with­in the RV busi­ness seg­ment. “Joe is a trust­ed, proven leader and brings years of RV Indus­try and prod­uct knowl­edge to the team. We are proud to announce his pro­mo­tion to Mar­ket Man­ag­er, RV, where he will work hand in hand with our dis­tri­b­u­tion part­ner to serve the RV Indus­try with our Flip’ N Seal prod­uct line”, Sales Man­ag­er, Colton Phe­lan commented.

“I am extreme­ly excit­ed for this oppor­tu­ni­ty to serve our RV OEM cus­tomers, pro­vid­ing them with the best seal­ing solu­tions to meet their needs. Our patent­ed Flip ‘N Seal™ prod­uct line has gained strong momen­tum in the indus­try, and our cus­tomers val­ue Jaeger’s proven auto­mo­tive mate­ri­als and design capa­bil­i­ties to solve very dif­fi­cult seal­ing appli­ca­tions. I am look­ing for­ward to pro­vid­ing top notch cus­tomer ser­vice to our exist­ing and future cus­tomers while con­tin­u­ing to build our integri­ty-based brand across the industry.”

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