News — 30.08.2018

JUS Wel­comes Rich Carl­son as Human Resource Specialist

As part of our strat­e­gy to diver­si­fy and grow Jaeger-Unitek with expe­ri­enced team mem­bers, we are pleased to announce the addi­tion of Rich Carl­son, Human Resource Specialist.

Rich proud­ly served our coun­try for 6 years in the army, and brings over 8 years of expe­ri­ence in Human Resources. We are look­ing for­ward to have him grow his career here at Jaeger-Unitek and we wel­come his exper­tise in pro­cess­ing pay­roll, con­duct­ing train­ing and man­ag­ing day to day Human Resource activ­i­ties. Human Resource and Account­ing Man­ag­er Christie West­er states, “We believe Rich will be a great asset to our team as he comes with a pos­i­tive, go-get­ter atti­tude and an enthu­si­asm to learn.

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