Tube Dif­fuser-Fixed Bed Combination

Inno­va­tion of the JÄGER Group: Tube Dif­fuser-Fixed Bed Com­bi­na­tion for ris­ing waster­wa­ter volumes 

Flex­i­ble and adapt­able waste­water treat­ment tech­nol­o­gy is needed 

Waste­water treat­ment plants (WWTP) have to con­stant­ly adapt to the num­ber of inhab­i­tants and indus­tri­al set­tle­ment of their catch­ment area. WWTP Fin­ham (respon­si­ble for the British region around Con­ven­try) had faced this chal­lenge when their incom­ing load rose from 430.000 PE to 490.000 PE between 2013 and 2019. 


There­fore the treat­ment plant had to be adapt­ed based on new increased incom­ing flow and load as well as stricter efflu­ent stan­dard in regard to ammo­ni­um nitro­gen. At the same time, it was required to update out­dat­ed oper­at­ing technology.


Data of the plant: Fin­ham Sewage Treat­ment Works, Great Britain

Type of WWTP



490.000 p.e. (115.000 m³/d QDW) 

Bio­log­i­cal stage

12 lines (each 4.660 m³)

Anox­ic zone (512 m³ each)

Aer­at­ed zone (4.148 m³ each)

Oper­a­tion mode


Clean­ing target


Par­tial denitrification


168 mod­ules with Cleart­ec® Biotextile

10.848 pcs. Tube dif­fuser TD65‑2–90-750

1.728 pcs. Tube dif­fuser TD65‑2–90-1000

Cleartec Biotextil für die Umwelttechnik /products/green-products/textile-fixed-bed/cleartec-biotextil/

Envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly waste­water treat­ment with tex­tile fixed bed 

With its IFAS sys­tem Cleart­ec®, Jäger Umwelt-Tech­nik offers an effi­cient method for set­tle­ment of addi­tion­al bio­mass to reach the ammo­ni­um lim­its in the efflu­ent of the Fin­ham sewage treat­ment plant. 


A tex­tile fab­ric with a sur­face struc­ture serves as the growth area. This socalled fixed bed sys­tem enables addi­tion­al bio­log­i­cal treat­ment capac­i­ties with­in the exist­ing aer­a­tion tanks with­out struc­tur­al changes or addi­tion of a new tank. 


The mod­u­lar design of the Cleart­ec® sys­tem also allows instal­la­tion dur­ing oper­a­tion, which min­i­mizes invest­ment costs and also sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces the activ­i­ties required on the plant. Com­pared to a struc­tur­al expan­sion and the asso­ci­at­ed ris­ing oper­at­ing costs, more than 50 per­cent of car­bon diox­ide emis­sions can be saved. 


Fur­ther­more, Cleart­ec® tex­tile fixed bed tech­nol­o­gy doesn’t con­tribute to plas­tic or micro plas­tic con­t­a­m­i­na­tion in water body.

Durable and easy to install Jet­flex® Diffusers 

In addi­tion to fixed beds, nitri­fi­ca­tion also requires dif­fusers through which com­pressed air get into the tank to sup­ply the microor­gan­isms enriched in the tank with suf­fi­cient oxy­gen. Jet­Flex® tube dif­fusers from Jäger Umwelt-Tech­nik are installed at the Fin­ham sewage treat­ment plant. 


Due to their shape, tube aer­a­tors were easy to be arranged and mount­ed under­neath the Cleart­ec® mod­ules, ensur­ing the microor­gan­isms on the bio tex­tiles are even­ly sup­plied with oxygen. 


In this case, the tube dif­fusers are the most cost-effi­cient option in terms of invest­ment and oper­at­ing costs. They have been in use world­wide for decades and have been con­tin­u­ous­ly opti­mized for oper­a­tional safe­ty, dura­bil­i­ty and max­i­mum effi­cien­cy. These opti­miza­tions min­i­mize oper­at­ing costs that are main­ly caused by aer­a­tion. In con­junc­tion with the sup­plied pip­ing sys­tem, a fast, sim­ple, safe and cost-effec­tive instal­la­tion on site is possible.

Increase of the degra­da­tion rate by using IFAS and aerators 

Over 160 Cleart­ec® mod­ules and 12,000 Jet­Flex® tube aer­a­tors are installed in the 12 aer­a­tion tanks. After a short time, the plant showed increase in per­for­mance of pol­lu­tant degra­da­tion and in effi­cien­cy at ener­gy con­sump­tion with­out expand­ing exist­ing tank volumes. 


Not only the robust tech­nol­o­gy that can be installed and oper­at­ed at low cost, but also the high oper­a­tional reli­a­bil­i­ty dis­tin­guish the solu­tion sup­plied by Jäger Umwelt-Tech­nik. Over­all, the solu­tion offered by Jäger offered the low­est invest­ment and oper­at­ing costs com­pared to a new con­struc­tion of tanks.

Get the Case Study now! 

Cost- and time sav­ing sys­tem for increas­ing waste­water requirements 

The fol­low­ing table shows that car­bon and ammo­ni­um loads are effi­cient­ly removed and legal lim­its are safe­ly under­cut. In this way, pol­lu­tion dis­charged into water body is sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced. 


Inlet and out­let con­cen­tra­tion after instal­la­tion and legal lim­its in mg/l




Legal lim­it value




















These low efflu­ent val­ues are essen­tial­ly achieved by the addi­tion­al bio­mass on the Cleart­ec® mod­ules and the asso­ci­at­ed high sludge age achieved here. 

Your con­tact per­son for the Tube Dif­fuser-Fixed Bed Combination



P. Buh­mann

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