News – 07.03.2023

Ener­gy com­pe­ti­tion at Artemis

Ener­gy com­pe­ti­tion 2022

Many employ­ees from all areas of Artemis took part in the ener­gy com­pe­ti­tion launched in Novem­ber 2022. A total of 69 sug­ges­tions were exam­ined by project man­ag­er Uwe Claus­ing and his team for sav­ings poten­tial and feasibility.

The best three sug­ges­tions were award­ed an e‑bike, tablet and iphone. Fourth and fifth place were drawn from all the oth­er entries.
drawn by lot.

Fri­day the 13.01.2023 turned out to be a lucky day for the win­ners. The prize (cer­tifi­cates) were pre­sent­ed by the man­age­ment and plant man­age­ment. Mr. Sebas­t­ian Jäger informed him­self about the tech­ni­cal details and thoughts that led to the sug­ges­tions and is pleased about so much inven­tive­ness among the Artemis staff. Some of the sug­ges­tions will be imple­ment­ed in the short term!

1st place
Adri­an Luda

Team leader R1

“Use the high tem­per­a­ture cre­at­ed when forg­ing the bars to heat the riv­et­ing and belt­ing shop.”

The forg­ing tools, pierc­ing tools and induc­tion tongs work­ing in the forg­ing press are cooled by the heat exchang­er locat­ed on the hall ceil­ing. In the future, the result­ing waste heat will not only be used to heat the riv­et­ing hall but also, through an addi­tion­al pipe, in the neigh­bor­ing belt hall.

What is saved:
Gas for heat­ing­When will it be imple­ment­ed: The parts have already been ordered. The mea­sure will be imple­ment­ed in the short term.

When will it be imple­ment­ed:
The parts have already been ordered. The mea­sure will be imple­ment­ed in the short term.

2nd place
Andre Reese

 Qual­i­ty Assur­ance Manager

“Waste heat in boil­er house for heat­ing and hot water production”.

Cur­rent­ly, the heat­ing for the admin­is­tra­tion area as well as the hot water prepa­ra­tion for the show­ers is oper­at­ed via a gas heat­ing sys­tem locat­ed in the boil­er house. The waste heat from the boil­er house, which is always very warm, is not used. Why not real­ize the heat­ing and hot water prepa­ra­tion instead of the gas heat­ing by means of a heat pump work­ing in the always very warm boil­er house with high effi­cien­cy? If a heat pump is not suf­fi­cient for the required out­put, an alter­na­tive would be a hybrid heat­ing sys­tem that has both a heat pump and a gas burner.

What is saved:
Gas for heat­ing and/or hot water­When will the imple­men­ta­tion take place: An imple­men­ta­tion is under con­sid­er­a­tion, we will inform at the appro­pri­ate time.

When will it be imple­ment­ed:
Imple­men­ta­tion is under con­sid­er­a­tion, we will inform you in due course.

3rd place
Mar­tin Hintz

 Employ­ee Logistics

“Equip roll-up ship­ping door with retractable truck lock”.

At the rolling gate in the dis­patch Artemis a short fixed sluice is installed, which clos­es well with trucks with­out lift­ing plat­form and pro­tects against cold , warmth, rain, snow and wind With trucks with lift­ing plat­form, e.g. the dai­ly Umfuhr remains at three sides an approx. 1 m large gap with­out weath­er pro­tec­tion, by which nat­u­ral­ly also the warmth in the small dis­patch range escapes unhin­dered. Why not install a retractable truck lock that bridges the cur­rent 1 m gap, pro­tect­ing it from the weath­er and keep­ing the heat in the ship­ping area? An even more space-sav­ing sys­tem would be to dri­ve the truck lift under­neath the approach ramp in ship­ping. This way, the truck does­n’t take up as much space in front of the roll-up door and load­ing with the ant is made easier.

What is saved:
Gas for heating

When will imple­men­ta­tion occur:
1st quar­ter 2023

4th place
Dami­an Mikolas


Use fresh air heat exchang­ers in all indoor rooms instead of ven­ti­lat­ing man­u­al­ly. This saves heat­ing ener­gy and ensures con­tin­u­ous fresh air in the rooms. In sum­mer, this might also make it pos­si­ble to reduce the tem­per­a­ture to a cer­tain extent. That would of course be a huge plus for all con­cerned. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this pro­pos­al can­not be imple­ment­ed in the short term because exten­sive con­ver­sion mea­sures would be required.

5th place
Nick Baake

Prod­uct development

Why not rent the roofs of neigh­bor­ing build­ings and equip them with pho­to­volta­ic sys­tems? There is plen­ty of demand for ener­gy in the indus­tri­al park, despite all the cost-cut­ting mea­sures. Here, the law on elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion and dis­tri­b­u­tion puts a span­ner in the works. But per­haps there will be an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take up the idea again later.

Do you have any ques­tions?
Con­tact us!

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