News – 15.06.2022

Stone Giant: Jaeger Mare Solu­tions suc­cess­ful­ly eval­u­ates 16 ton Basalt Net Prototype 

Fea­si­bil­i­ty Study – Mod­el Scal­ing

Jaeger Mare Solu­tions has suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed an ini­tial tri­al with a 16 ton Basalt Net pro­to­type. To our knowl­edge, there has been no such unit before – not even in plas­tic – and we can there­fore proud­ly call on “world’s first”. On spe­cif­ic cus­tomer request, Jaeger Mare Solu­tions is the first to have val­i­dat­ed whether it is pos­si­ble to fill and ini­tial­ly han­dle such a giant. And, in fact, our tests have shown: It is def­i­nite­ly feasible.

Objec­tive of this tri­al was to keep up our sin­gle point lift and there­by increas­ing the out­put to a dou­ble fig­ure com­pared to the stan­dard 8 ton mod­el for our cus­tomer dur­ing deploy­ment. Think­ing this fur­ther to a raised amount of units, brings us to enor­mous com­mer­cial advan­tages for advanced scour pro­tec­tion lay­outs and embank­ment solu­tions. This method addi­tion­al­ly has no fur­ther requests to the ves­sel oth­er than a suit­able lift­ing crane, allow­ing for flex­i­ble choice in the shipyard.

“Over the last years we have col­lect­ed a great knowl­edge base with the stan­dard 8 ton nets. That def­i­nite­ly played into our hands. Nev­er­the­less, this was, of course, anoth­er enor­mous step”, empha­sizes key account man­ag­er Franz Tek­bas, core team mem­ber over the entire devel­op­ment stage.

Such a design is a great chal­lenge. Espe­cial­ly for an entire­ly nat­ur­al prod­uct such incred­i­ble loads and dimen­sions are not found. “Our team first ana­lyzed the fea­si­bil­i­ty of scal­ing the stan­dard 8 ton Basalt Net in order to reach a capac­i­ty of 16 tons by using the same mate­r­i­al com­bi­na­tion. After that, we con­fec­tioned such a scaled mod­el and ver­i­fied fill­ing and ini­tial han­dling by means of a tri­al in Emden, late April”, adds project engi­neer Julian Mess­ner. ”Now that we have seen that it real­ly works, we can con­tin­ue with fur­ther ver­i­fi­ca­tion trials.”

The tri­al includ­ed two major objec­tives to verify:

1. Rock load­ing with con­vey­or belt & wheel loader
2. Two stage fill­ing pro­ce­dure with exist­ing 8 ton fill­ing frame

Pos­si­ble areas of appli­ca­tion
The appli­ca­tion of such heavy basalt nets is con­ceiv­able for wind farms in regions where the water is not so deep, i.e. in shal­low­er waters. In these waters, envi­ron­men­tal impacts through cur­rents and storms are much more intense as on the seabed in deep­er waters. Espe­cial­ly for sub­ma­rine cable and pipeline cross­ings, a more com­pact heav­ier sys­tem or net is then more sen­si­ble than lighter ones.

Basalt ful­fills what the indus­try needs

The great advan­tages: high-strength, flex­i­bil­i­ty, UV-sta­bil­i­ty and extreme tem­per­a­ture-resis­tance: These are the robust and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly nets made of basalt fiber from Jaeger Mare Solu­tions. Due to the fact that no plas­tic is used, our basalt nets can be used per­ma­nent­ly or for short-term mea­sures to secure off­shore as well as hydraulic struc­tures.
Franz Tek­bas from Jaeger Mare Solu­tions explains: “We use a mate­r­i­al that is a nat­ur­al prod­uct. There­fore the life cycle of our prod­uct begins in nature and ends where it began.”

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